Sunday, June 26, 2011

couple of interesting activities

In an effort to do something I love AND earn money at it, instead of merely doing something I'm good at to earn money, I went to a workshop in Spokane to learn about the Why Try program that helps at-risk youth find know how and confidence to make a good life for themselves. Anyone who wants to can look up the Why Try program on the internet, so 'nuff said, but I also enjoyed Spokane a bit, I checked out the cathedral at Gonzaga University. I am such a sucker for stained glass windows and soaring architecture that points to God.

Also fun was visiting Missy and her menagerie -- husband, five boys, 1 exchange student, chickens, ducks, turkeys, goats, and a stray turtle. Isn't it funny -- I almost (not quite, but almost) see Missy more often now that they are living near Spokane than when they were next door. Sad that it should be so...

Ali seems to have enjoyed his stay at our home, and couldn't resist giving Dad a card with a sinking canoe on it -- he's not sure he ever wants to canoe again, but he sure appreciates Dad having taught him to swim!

Father's day turned out to be windy, so we went and flew a kite! Two actually. What a pleasant way to spend a few hours on an afternoon!

Ali tells us this is a favorite activity in India.

Ali also likes to tease Benny , but Benny is getting harder to fool!

There's nothing like wide open spaces, a brisk breeze, warm sunshine, and kites! Ephraim loved it too -- and showed off his new walking skills, staggering like a little drunk all over the field -- so proud of himself!

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