The baby obviously has the right idea, but his inexperience is keeping him from full enjoyment of this holiday.
Big brother, on the other hand, seems to be with the program, and actually, is adept at finding candy at many other times of year, and in many places besides the garden!
Then there's Ali. He has joined our family for the last 2-3 months of his stay in America, and I'm sure that he doesn't know a whole lot about Easter either. And the relationship between Easter eggs and the Resurrection is fuzzy at best for this Muslim from India. But he knows a good thing when he sees it! Welcome to our family!
Just so there is no confusion -- rabbits don't actually produce Easter eggs. Our small flock of hens (names, "Extra Crispy", "Deep Fried", and "Miss Bossyfeathers") maybe had a little something to do in that department. Although the real reason I included the photo is because I am amused that the three chickens are totally in charge of the three cats (one is camouflaged as dirt) who are looking longingly at all that tasty meat walking around.