The realization has been growing on me lately that, despite a secret belief that I was going to be an exception to aging, I was mistaken. Sure, there were a few grey hairs here and there, but not enough to be alarming. The need for larger clothes could be attibuted to having babies, not age. More prominent laugh lines around my eyes (do I have to call them "crow's feet"?). I need bifocals (bifocals?) now. Damage caused by my klutziness takes longer to heal--but klutziness is not the problem it used to be. There's more, but ....well.... enough said. In any case, interesting observations but nothing serious.
Even Julie's becoming a teacher (who? my little girl?)
and Nina's dastardly deed of turning me into a mother-in-law didn't really shake me out of my rose-tinted delusions.
But the worm has turned. I can no longer fool myself. Importing teenagers and pretending to be one myself in order to insulate myself from the ugly truth just isn't going to cut it anymore.
Who would have thought that such completely wonderful, kind, thoughtful, and good people as Nina and Nathan would be the responsible for this? On Mother's Day, Nina, although wishing me a happy Mother's Day, also chose this day to make the announcement that I was going to be a grandma early next year! They can prove it. Now I ask you, is this kind? Is this thoughtful? Do I look ready to knit baby booties and go all gooey-eyed over a squirmy messy little bundle of trouble? No, I do not.
Not only am I not ready, but they obviously aren't either. Why, just yesterday they were goofing around, going to public school, spending money unwisely (organic shampoo?), and getting into food fights.
So, how does all this relate to eternal youth?
I guess, with all my focus on the physical processes, I forgot the joy. Who would have thought that I would have these four awesome kids? Who would have thought I would get the chance to be part of these four individuals who have become their own person, do stuff I never even dreamed of, are responsible adults and all round good human beings. And now, after the (ongoing) privilege of being their mother, they are increasing in numbers. Through marriage, and through birth. If I'm going to get wrinkles and grey hair, it stands to reason I have a shot at being a grandparent too, but I hadn't realized that the joy would be so great that it is sacred.
To paraphrase slightly, "the greatest is love". I am surrounded by it, and part of it. If that's not eternal youth, what is?
Embracing diversity
9 years ago
It sure is, Granny. As you're entering your 'golden years' I'll be sure to turn to you for wisdom.
I thought my sarcasm was bad, but I acknowledge you queen!
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